Thursday, February 11, 2010

All you need is love..

If I'd paid more attention in the 60's and 70's I probably would have been a flower child - is it too late to embrace that culture?? I don't think so although I likely have too many shoes, purses, clothes and other materialistic items for an absolutely perfect fit. And the drugs I take are most definitely not those of that era!!

In retrospect I travelled faster than the speed of light for many many years never stopping to consider too many things other than myself - is that the way of all young people? Social consciousness wasn't a phrase I was familiar with although I did have opinions that were based on very little knowledge of any given situation. My world was very small and contained and any opinion I voiced was not based on any kind of passion but the need to be accepted.

One of the great benefits of being in my 50's is that I accept me without apology. I've never been one for heated discussions nor the type to lock horns with others or rant and rave or get on a soap box (well most of the time!). Right or wrong is not an issue - I am right for me and you are right for you. My heart hurts for all the social injustices in the world, for all the tragedy, for all the hungry and cold and for those who have so little and like hundreds of other people I wish I could fix the world. I can't do that but every day I send a silent universal prayer for everyone to treat others with peace, love, understanding and compassion.

I think the Beatles said it best.....

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