Monday, March 29, 2010

The end of March is peeking around the corner already. I'm almost thru my 3rd course of chemo and things have gone very very well considering the 2nd course. We'll see what next week's tests bring to light. I'm also thinking I should ask how many treatments I'm scheduled for!! Finally regaining my strength from that awful Feb/Mar chapter - I know that cause I feel like shopping again!

I love my family - have I ever mentioned that? Yesterday we finally had my family birthday party and it was fabulous - I'll take a day of I love you's, big hugs, great food, laughter, small children, adults who believe they're still children and gifts over just about anything. The gift theme was a Pandora bracelet - it's beautiful - full of cupcakes, flowers, hearts, purses, shoes, and my special angel - a circle of support and love on my wrist every day.

Rest easy Ian - on the wings of your eagle...

1 comment:

  1. fun with family.... ~ I agree best therapy
