Thursday, December 9, 2010

What to do??

Pretty much every day I look at this lonely little blog that just wants to be loved and wonder what am I going to do with it. When I started to blog it seemed like such an easy thing - just a note or two every couple of days or so, a little this, a little that with the odd rant thrown in. But you know it's just not that easy and my life just isn't that exciting nor am I a particularly fascinating person - in fact my life can be downright boring and uneventful!

There's a certain quality of 'nothingness' to my life that I really quite love lately - a kind of quiet shuffle through the days and weeks. A freedom from all the chaotic years of working, doing and being. I deserve this! And so maybe just to write about the mundane is the key - most of life I think is mundane but it's what you see and appreciate about the mundane (did I mention mundane??). Because at the end of the day you just don't know how what you say or what you do will affect the world around you or the world within you. And there is a point to everything we do.. sometimes we simply don't know what that might be. My world is filled with amazing people that I cherish even tho I may not see them on a regular basis and is also filled with much love and laughter. If that defines mundane I'll take it any day.

And so I'm back on the blog - it just might read a little differently now. Next quandry... to keep the Ipod or not??

Rest easy Diane..
Rest easy Jacqui..

Stay well my friends


  1. I think the mundane is really important. It's where we live normal lives and where the minutae become really important. So keep on. Please.

  2. Hi BagLady sent me. Keep the IPod.

  3. Thanks Baglady - I will keep on keepin' on!! Mundane & trivial as it may be - you are absolutely right! And Barbara - thanks for stopping by - the Ipod stays~!
